Saturday, July 26, 2008

Obama for America Opens in GR

Just got back from the opening of the Obama for America a few minutes ago. I got there a little late, so it was already packed with people, and I had to park three blocks away. Michigan State Democratic Party Chair Mark Brewer was there, firing up the crowd, as were a number of local candidates and elected officials.

It was wonderful. The building was packed to the rafters with an overflow crowd on sidewalk. Hundreds of people passed in and out. All the volunteers and staffers seemed surprised at the size of the crowd. There were people of all races, young and old, men and women, and they were all fired up to elect the man who represents real change from the Bush administration's policies and 30 years of right-wing domination.

Meanwhile, word has it a couple of cranky guys going about how great staying in Iraq forever would be gathered at the McCain headquarters and listened to muzak to celebrate McCain's latest flip-flop.

I purchased lawn signs and bumper stickers, and can't wait to volunteer.

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