Friday, August 15, 2008

John McCain has given up on fighting to keep jobs here

Under the guise of "straight talk," John McCain has given up on fighting to keep jobs in the US. During the primary campaign, McCain told Midwestern workers that jobs will be lost and they would continue to be lost under his presidency.

So it is ironic that McCain chose to attack Barack Obama on the issue of jobs and energy policy at a biker rally earlier this month.

According to new post at AFL-CIO Now, McCain opposed provisions in 2005 that would have required the US government to purchase Harley-Davidson motorcycles.

McCain has called such provisions "disgraceful."

To quote the AFL-CIO post:
"As we’ve noted, McCain has supported the outsourcing of jobs. His campaign is staffed and funded by corporate lobbyists, including Rick Davis, the lobbyist whose DHL deal could result in thousands of lost jobs in Ohio, and Randy Altschuler, an outsourcing guru who advises companies on how to ship jobs overseas."

McCain favors "free trade" agreements that have cost Michigan tens of thousands of jobs, and opposes provisions that protect workers and the environment. He prefers to hand authority over the US economy to international financial institutions that make judgments about how our policies impact "free trade."

Michigan workers simply can't another four years of George W. Bush under John McCain.

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