Monday, August 11, 2008

John McCain lies about taxes

According to analysis of the McCain tax plan in comparison with the Obama tax plan by the Tax Policy Center, recent McCain commercials that insist Obama wants to raise "your" taxes are lies.

Unless the ads are targeted for the very tiny group of the richest Americans. But that doesn't seem likely does it?

According to the analysis, posted here, Obama's plan would cut taxes for everyone making $227,000 or less.

That is me and most every person and family in Grand Rapids. McCain probably has Dick DeVos's vote.

In fact, Obama's tax cuts for people who make less than $112,000 would be higher than those proposed by McCain.

The overwhelming majority of people in Grand Rapids – and the country for that matter – would see tax cuts under an Obama administration of around $600, for the lowest income tax payers to $2800 for people earning under $227,000. I think the Obama campaign pegs the average at about $1,000 per person.

I sure could use $1,000.

What is the difference between the two plans? Obama would raise taxes on the very wealthiest people. People with incomes between $227,000 and $603,000 would pay $12 more. That's three cheeseburgers. And the biggest increases would be imposed on the very richest, most successful people.

McCain, on the other hand, would give tax breaks to the very richest people equal to or greater than than the median income of working Americans. Up to $269,000 in tax breaks per individual. The average worker has to work about 5 years for the same amount.

The difference is in priorities. McCain would simply continue Bush's tax relief for the people who need it the least while starving the federal budget and cutting back on public services. All while waging a $10 billion per month war in Iraq for more oil and more profits for McCain's other constituency: Big Oil.

See the video here:

If you're going to vote based on the honesty and integrity of the candidate, you have to vote Obama.

If you're going to vote based on your pocketbook, you have to vote Obama.

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