Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Michigan Republicans Believe Michigan Voters are Racists

Peter Fletcher, a Republican Party leader from Ypsilanti, insisted on a radio show in Ann Arbor yesterday that "Race cannot be overcome," in terms of the presidential election. Fletcher was the second Michigan Republican Party leader in about a week to accuse Michigan voters of being racists or to admit that Republican voters would back John McCain for racist reasons.

The other was none other than Republican Party of Michigan boss Saul Anuzis, who told E.J. Dionne of the Washington Post that he also thinks Michigan voters are racists, and that Republican voters are likely to have racist reasons for voting for John McCain.

The question is are the Republicans right? Are Michigan voters racists? I don't think so. I think the Republicans are playing a back-handed version of the race card, raising racial issues by pretending they are against racism. But in fact they want to arouse racist sentiments and try to influence voters to think about race as much as possible.

Michigan voters, like all real Americans, are better than the Republicans give them credit for.

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