Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Rachel Maddow Slams Sarah Palin for Lying About Abuse of Power Charge

McCain-Palin and the racist vote

John McCain and Sarah Palin have stopped talking about the issues, and have instead launched a strategy relying on fear-mongering, racial divisions, and hate. The result is McCain/Palin supporters saying "kill him!" "terrorist!" "traitor," and more, at rallies, with the McCain campaign playing dumb in response.It's outrageous and it must stop.

Together, we can show that Americans of all races won't stand for this.

I've signed onto ColorofChange's open-letter calling out McCain and Palin. ColorOfChange.org will publish it this week, and as they've shown in the past, when enough of us stand together, we can force the mainstream media to amplify our message. Will you join us?


Military Families for Obama

Friday, October 3, 2008

Obama Speaks in Grand Rapids on Economy and Taxes

The local paper reported that there were 16,000 people there. Wow! I could have sworn it was more.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Facts about voters rights in Michigan

From the ACLU:

Fact: You have the right to vote without photo ID in Michigan

Just ask to sign the affidavit form at the polls. Michigan's new photo ID law allows registered voters who don't have photo identification, or those who have forgotten to bring photo ID, to vote by signing a form at the polls stating they are not in possession of photo ID. Voters without ID need to know their right to vote because Michigan cities are getting this wrong. Shortly before the August 2008 primary election, both the cities of Allen Park and Grand Blanc sent newsletters to city residents stating the need for photo ID with no mention of the affidavit form for those without ID. The Secretary of State estimates that approximately 370,000 Michigan residents have no form of photo identification.

Fact: You have the right to vote in Michigan if you are an ex-felon.

Even those still on probation or parole can register and cast their vote on Election Day. Michigan law only prohibits those serving a sentence on election day from voting. People in jail awaiting trial or sentencing may vote by absentee ballot, and those who have been released but who are on probation or parole may vote after registering.

Fact: You have the right to vote if your home is in foreclosure

The Michigan State Department of Elections is informing poll workers statewide that voters with homes in foreclosure may not lose their right to vote nor be challenged on their right to vote. Those who have moved from their homes may vote in the same precinct up to 60 days after they have left that address.

Fact: You have the right to vote if you wear campaign gear to the polls

You cannot lose your right to vote if you wear a t-shirt, hat, button or other garb endorsing a candidate or an issue into the polling place. You will, however, be asked to remove these items by a poll worker or risk misdemeanor charges. Any and all campaign materials, including apparel, must be a minimum of 100 ft. outside of the polling place at all times.

Fact: You have the right to be free of intimidation or harassment at the polls

Voters should not be intimidated or discouraged from voting by questions like, "Have you paid your rent?" or "Have you paid your child support?" During the last presidential election, ACLU heard stories of voter intimidation like these occurring in precincts with low-income and African American voters. If voters are harassed or intimidated by anyone at the polling place, they should tell a poll worker immediately and call the Election Protection Hotline at 1-866-OUR-VOTE, a joint project of state and national civil rights organizations, including the ACLU of Michigan.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Support stem cell research

Proposal 2 has one purpose: to allow researchers the ability to find the cures and therapies that millions of Michigan families desperately need.

The procedure required to conduct vital stem cell research is criminalized in Michigan, even though it holds the greatest hope of cures for deadly and debilitating diseases and conditions including Parkinson’s, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s, sickle cell anemia and spinal cord injuries.

Finding cures for the worst diseases we know is in our grasp. Finding cures is the right thing to do for Michigan families who deserve to have hope, and need help.

Vote YES on Proposal 2.

For information see: Cure Michigan.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Michigan Republicans Believe Michigan Voters are Racists

Peter Fletcher, a Republican Party leader from Ypsilanti, insisted on a radio show in Ann Arbor yesterday that "Race cannot be overcome," in terms of the presidential election. Fletcher was the second Michigan Republican Party leader in about a week to accuse Michigan voters of being racists or to admit that Republican voters would back John McCain for racist reasons.

The other was none other than Republican Party of Michigan boss Saul Anuzis, who told E.J. Dionne of the Washington Post that he also thinks Michigan voters are racists, and that Republican voters are likely to have racist reasons for voting for John McCain.

The question is are the Republicans right? Are Michigan voters racists? I don't think so. I think the Republicans are playing a back-handed version of the race card, raising racial issues by pretending they are against racism. But in fact they want to arouse racist sentiments and try to influence voters to think about race as much as possible.

Michigan voters, like all real Americans, are better than the Republicans give them credit for.

Protect Our Vote, 2008

by Richard Trumka

This year’s historic election may come down to two major factors: how many people turn out to the polls, and how many of their votes are counted.

Voter turnout increased more than 120 percent during the presidential primaries, and few if any of the pundits predicted it. Millions of young people and people of color have been especially energized by the candidates and are registering to vote for the first time.

Yet the primaries also spotlighted questions about whether our country is ready for November 4. There were numerous reports of polling place problems, voting machine malfunctions and complaints of voter registration glitches. Lines were long, voters were not on the rolls, and too many would-be voters simply gave up.

Polls in parts of Ohio, California, and the District of Columbia ran out of paper ballots, in some place as early as noon, according to a Pew Center on the States study. And the Lawyer’s Committee for Civil Rights Under Law reported that its nationwide voter protection hotline received over 5,000 complaints during the primaries.

In the 2006 general election, the hotline received 584 calls from Michigan, with the majority from Wayne County. There were reports of voter intimidation including a man outside Van Buren township Middle School who was reportedly telling voters that the polls closed at 7:00pm, an hour earlier than the actual 8:00pm closing time. A Macomb County voter received a voter registration card directing her to a polling location that did not exist at the given address.

It was almost like a repeat of the 2000 and 2004 elections, when horror stories of long lines, inaccessible and understaffed voting places, poorly designed ballots, ill functioning voting machines, and voter intimidation and manipulation in low-income, Latino, and African American communities were widespread.

We cannot allow these voting rights problems to occur again in November 2008 – there’s simply too much at stake. This year, every eligible voter in Michigan must be able to cast a ballot, and have that ballot counted.

A truly historic election day is going to come down to individual voters who must be active proponents of their own right to vote.

That’s why AFL-CIO union activists and constituency groups have joined a nonpartisan coalition of civil rights organizations, faith-based organizations, students, lawyers, and other community allies in Michigan to tackle voting problems in our community and reach out to citizens about their voting rights.

Here are six simple steps that everyone in Michigan can take to make sure their ballot counts:

First, call your local elections office before Election Day to verify the location of your polling place.

Second, bring some form of identification to the polls, preferably a government-issued photo ID.

Third, ask for help from poll workers and check posted information signs if you have questions or need assistance at the polls.

Fourth, if you are in line at the polling place when the polls close, do not leave. You’re still entitled to vote.

Fifth, if you are offered a provisional ballot, ask if you can cast a regular ballot instead by providing additional ID or by going to another polling place. If there are no other options, cast the provisional ballot.

Sixth, if you have a voting rights problem, ask to speak to an election official or to a voting rights volunteer, or call the toll-free voting rights hotline 1-866-OUR-VOTE, operated by a nonpartisan coalition of groups, including the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights and the AFL-CIO.

This November’s election will mark the moment that America begins to build a future for all, or one in which we finally give up on the American Dream. Everyone in Michigan ought to stand up and weigh in on the direction our country should be headed. Voting is our most precious right and responsibility as Americans, and this year, we must make sure our votes will count.

Richard Trumka is Secretary Treasurer of the 10 million member American Federation of Labor – Congress of Industrial Organizations.

Don't Accept a Taxpayer-funded Handout to Wall Street Crooks

From the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights:

Our country is facing troubling economic times not seen since the great depression. Last week, the federal government announced that it would spend hundreds of billions of dollars to bail out Wall Street - and given the size of the crisis, the government may have no choice.

However, the government should not change the rules for Wall Street only then to ignore the plight of homeowners. Experts including the Secretary of Treasury and Chair of the Federal Reserve Board have said that the market will only stabilize when there is an end to the cycle of widespread foreclosures and the decline of home prices and financial asset values.

The Rescue bill that Congress is now considering should not ignore homeowners in the rush to bail out banks and brokerage firms, many of whom engaged in the reckless lending and irresponsible risk taking that created this situation in the first place.

In the very same legislation that will be using our tax dollars to bail out the financial services industry from a self-imposed crisis, Congress must give homeowners a chance to save their homes by allowing bankruptcy judges to reset mortgages for families on the brink of foreclosure.

Allowing homeowners to modify their loans, by using the Chapter 13 bankruptcy process to set up realistic and affordable mortgage payment plans, will give not just homeowners, but local communities and the economy, an opportunity to recover from this crisis - without any cost to taxpayers.

Call your members of Congress today at (202) 224-3121 and urge them to include bankruptcy protections for homeowners in the Rescue bill.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Vernon Ehlers E-mail Contact Down

So today, I went to Rep. Vernon Ehlers e-mail contact form on his House.gov Web site in order to send him an e-mail about the urgency of his taking real steps to aid middle-class families in the economic crisis and not just big Wall Street banks.

But after typing in my contact info and clicking send message, the new page read:
This page must be viewed over a secure channel.
The page you are trying to access is secured with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).
Please try the following: https://forms.house.gov/htbin/wrep_const.pl.
403.4 Forbidden: SSL required to view this resource.
So let's hope Rep. Ehlers can get his government-funded Web site fixed, so that he can have the ear of Grand Rapids. Try it and let me know what happens. Is he deliberately trying to shut out voices?

Republican columnists sharply criticizes John McCain

George Will, a Republican columnist, speaking in Grand Rapids yesterday, sharply criticized John McCain for his temperament, his economic views, and even his ability to president.

According to the Grand Rapids Press, Will said, "John McCain can so polarize every argument into a kind of moral melodrama. You can't have honest difference of opinion with John McCain. This is very difficult because to disagree with he who is honor personified is inherently dishonorable."

"This is why some thoughtful conservatives have grave doubts about his ability to be president," Will said.

"Read My Lipstick: I'm voting Democrat!"

"Read My Lipstick: I'm voting Democrat!".
And know your talking points of McCain's voting record on these same important women's
issues...it's not difficult: he's opposed to everything--
McCain on Women's Issues--
  • voted against FAIR PAY
  • voted against health insurance covering birth control
  • voted to terminate the federal family-planning program that provides breast-cancer screenings
  • voted against SCHIP--Children's Health Insurance
  • a fierce foe of womens' right to choose
  • 4 SUPREME COURT JUSTICES may be replaced in the next 5 to 8 years
"Women's Economic Security" Flyer--

You can print it directly from here-

Michael Savage's Hate Speech

We already know how extremists are lining up with John McCain. Jerome Corsi, who has made millions promoting books that are composed of untruths and distortions, recently peddled his book and is a frequent guest on a radio show hosted by anti-Semtic and white nationalist James Edwards.

But McCain also has the backing of James Edwards wannabe, Michael Savage. Here are some of the things Savage has said recently, according to MediaMatters.org:

We all know this isn't the first time Savage has used his #3 nationwide syndicated radio show to denigrate people and incite hate. Here are just a few of the other outrageous statements Savage has made that Media Matters has documented:

  • On autism: "A fraud, a racket. ... I'll tell you what autism is. In 99 percent of the cases, it's a brat who hasn't been told to cut the act out. That's what autism is. What do you mean they scream and they're silent? They don't have a father around to tell them, 'Don't act like a moron. You'll get nowhere in life. Stop acting like a putz. Straighten up. Act like a man. Don't sit there crying and screaming, idiot.' "
  • On asthma: "[W]hy was there an asthma epidemic amongst minority children? Because I'll tell you why: The children got extra welfare if they were disabled, and they got extra help in school. It was a money racket. Everyone went in and was told [fake cough], 'When the nurse looks at you, you go [fake cough], "I don't know, the dust got me."' See, everyone had asthma from the minority community."
  • On immigrants from Africa: "There's the new America for you. Bring them in by the millions. Bring in 10 million more from Africa. Bring them in with AIDS. Show how multicultural you are. They can't reason, but bring them in with a machete in their head. Go ahead. Bring them in with machetes in their mind."
  • On the Democratic Party: "The Democrat [sic] Party is the minority party. ... [Sen. Barack] Obama is a minority, a half minority at least. The membership is made up largely of minority blocs, the Hispanic caucus and the gay caucus -- caucuses that are all against the white person."
  • On Guantánamo Bay: "I'd hang every lawyer who went down to Guantánamo to defend those murderers."

Please look up your local Savage affiliate and take action here: http://mediamatters.org/action_center/savage_action/

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Friday, September 12, 2008

McCain Campaign Sending Out Fraudulent Absentee Ballot Requests

Did you get one from McCain's campaign? I did. It was a request for an absentee ballot that had an old address on it. I threw it away, and I'm glad I did. If I had mailed it in, I could have been disfranchised. Here is an article that looks at what the McCain is doing in tricking voters to send in faulty ballot requests:

"McCain Pulls the Daily Double, Fraud and Mismanagement"

It says that in Ohio:

"County Board of Elections have been ruled invalid because Republican Sen. John McCain’s presidential campaign printed a version of the form with an extra, unneeded box on it."

Don't use any materials from John McCain!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

McCain: Just more of the same Bush

Joe Biden Rips into John (same as Bush) McCain

Change is no Joke

Today I went canvassing for Obama in the 3rd ward in Grand Rapids. It was amazing. I knocked on 50 doors and met 14 people. 13 of them said they are definitely voting for Barack Obama. I helped 4 people register to vote.

One person said he usually doesn't vote, even though he is registered. He said he wasn't sure about the issues and really tries to stay out politics

I told him that the reason I am volunteering on a Saturday to talk with people about this election is because I have two kids in the city's public schools, and I am tired of the cuts to public education, school closures, and program cuts. I told him I am tired of high gas prices and bad economy. I said that I think Barack Obama shares our values, and that he helped working-class families like mine when he served as a community organizer in Chicago, as an Illinois state legislator, and as a US Senator to fund public education and to turn the economy around.

The man nodded when I said I think Barack Obama will work hard for working people and our city when he becomes our president. He agreed to let the campaign send him more information about the issues.

I really feel like I helped play a part, maybe a small part, in making some change.

John McCain and Sarah Palin can mock that all they want. But I think it is real and serious and this is what democracy looks and feels like.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Obama talks about the relevance of working in communities

Obama is right. John McCain hasn't lifted a finger for working families in 26 years in Washington. Sarah Palin's affiliation with extremist parties who want to break away from America disqualifies her as a serious national politician.

Video: Real McCain of Genius

From WorseThanBush.org

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Video: Barack Obama Speaking in Detroit

Superintendent Taylor Responds on GRPS Teachers...

Yesterday, I posted a short piece in support of Grand Rapids Public School teachers, who have begun teaching this school year without a contract and who are hoping to win some pay raises in the current contract negotiations. It appeared that the school board was not being forthright about its resources during the negotiations, media reports indicated.

I also mentioned that I had written a short e-mail to GRPS Superintendent Bernard Taylor asking him to bargain in good faith and alerting him to the fact that my kids are students in GRPS and that I support the teachers. Quality education begins with fair treatment of our kids' teachers in terms of pay and working conditions, I said. Seems obvious, right?

So I opened my e-mail this morning and was pleasantly surprised to see a prompt reply from Superintendent Taylor.

I was also surprised by how Superintendent Taylor emphasized the "illegality" of a job action by the teachers and tried to drive a wedge between the teachers and their bargaining reps in the union. "Teacher strikes are illegal, and we hope that the union would never ask their members to take part in an illegal activity," he wrote.

It seemed to me that the emphasis of the e-mail was not on how he would make a personal effort to ensure the School Board would work hard to bargain in good faith, or to see that a fair settlement beneficial to all sides is reached. In fact, Superintendent Taylor seemed to put all the responsibility for a fair resolution on the union. "My hope is that the union will continue to work with the district to find a common solution," he wrote.

This is not the statement of a manager who wants to bring all sides to the table to discuss the issues in a fair manner and reach a conclusion that is agreeable to all sides.

Indeed, there is something very divisive and even threatening about this response, which is uncalled for.

Let me just say that I do not doubt Superintendent Taylor's commitment to our schools, but I am skeptical of how he is going about it in this case. I personally disagree with Superintendent Taylor's apparent decision to take such a hard stance against the teachers.

A public schools superintendent, as a public servant, should view his or her role as a partner with teachers, administrators, and parents to create a quality system of education; not as an employer who has to hold back on information about how much public funds are available to provide pay raises for richly deserving teachers.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Hope, change and unity

Support GRPS Teachers!

My kids are in Grand Rapids Public Schools, and I want then to have the best education available. And that means starting with providing job security for their teachers.

But apparently the school board disagrees. They seem to be refusing to negotiate in good faith with the teachers who have begun this year without a contract.

According to the union, the school district is not being forthright about how much money it has to pay the teachers and is simply driving a hard bargain.

What is the point of that? Pay the teachers, give them a good contract. Don't jeopardize this school year or my kids' education with this nonsense.

So I just wrote this letter to Superintendent Taylor:

Dear Superintendent Taylor,

Thank you for your hard work and dedication to our kids, including my own who just started at [blank--I inserted the name of the school here].

I read recently about the efforts of the teachers to win a contract that includes some pay raises. I just want to let you know that I support them and hope that you will make every effort to come to terms with them on this. I do not believe taking a hard line on this issue is worthwhile.

I want my kids to be in school every day this year, but I am also willing to stand with the teachers in the event they decide to take action.


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Barack Obama's Plan to Change America

Barack Obama believes we can unite people around a politics that puts solving the challenges of everyday Americans ahead of partisan calculation and special interest politics.

Obama opposed the war in Iraq from the beginning, and has a plan to responsibly end the war. Obama would immediately begin to pull out troops engaged in combat operations and pressure the Iraqi government to reconcile. He would call for a new constitutional convention with the United Nations. And he would take immediate steps to confront the humanitarian disaster in

Obama will sign legislation by the end of his first term in office that will provide quality, affordable and portable health care to every single American. His plan will save a typical family up to $2,500 every year by providing health coverage for every American, modernizing the U.S. healthcare system to contain costs, promoting prevention, and strengthening public health.

Obama will restore fairness to the tax code and provide 150 million workers with a tax cut, including a new tax credit worth up to $500 per worker. He will make strategic long-term investments in research, infrastructure, education, training, and workforce development so that America can create new high-wage jobs and prosper in the world economy. Barack Obama will fight for trade agreements that grow American jobs and contain good labor and environmental standards.

Obama is committed to strengthening our public schools. He will increase investment in early childhood education, and reform and fund No Child Left Behind. Obama will support paying teachers like the professionals they are and will encourage the development of professional, differentiated teacher compensation systems. Pay reform will be done with teachers, not to them. He will make college affordable for every American by expanding grant aid and reforming federal student loans to free up more money for student aid.

Energy and the Environment
Obama has been a leader in the fight to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and minimize the effects of climate change on our planet. He strongly supports the most aggressive cap-and-trade approach to achieve an 80 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2050.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Grand Rapids Hearts Barack Obama

Well we just concluded our Obama convention speech watch party here in southeast Grand Rapids. It was an amazing time with a great group of people who support change, Barack Obama and Joe Biden, and love to get together and talk about it and do something about.

Give us clean energy

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Michelle Obama's Speech: Hope over Fear, Optimism over Doubt

My favorite part is where she talks about being in love with Barack Obama. He is the same man she fell in love with and married 19 years ago.

John McCain on the other hand cheated on his ex-wife, divorced her, and married his new extremely rich girlfriend. Think about what he'll do to us.

Ehlers Won't Commit to Protecting Worker Health and Safety

In a previous post, I noted that I sent a letter to Rep. Vern Ehlers about new proposed Bush administration Labor Department that would make it easier for corporations to ignore safety and health standards. I asked him to join other members of Congress in blocking them.

His response more or less acknowledged my letter, but it failed to commit to protecting worker safety and health. This is a real problem, in my view. The gist of his response? "I will carefully study it if it moves through the legislative process."

Nowhere did he say that he prioritizes the health and safety of working men and women. He is just going to study it?

At best this milk toast response suggests that Rep. Ehlers flip-flops on issues when it suits him bests and makes no effort to be a real leader in Congress. He collects a paycheck and free taxpayer-funded health insurance.

At worst, it highlights that Ehlers is another typical Republican who bends to corporate interests over the needs of working families.

It is time for an alternative.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

John McCain is confused about how many homes he owns

Think this ad hits the nail on the head. McCain has too many times not been able to answer direct questions about his position on the issues, but surely he must know how many houses he owns.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Video: Energy Independence Requires Alternatives to Oil

Check out this new ad from WeCanSolveIt.org and sign up:

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Friday, August 15, 2008

John McCain has given up on fighting to keep jobs here

Under the guise of "straight talk," John McCain has given up on fighting to keep jobs in the US. During the primary campaign, McCain told Midwestern workers that jobs will be lost and they would continue to be lost under his presidency.

So it is ironic that McCain chose to attack Barack Obama on the issue of jobs and energy policy at a biker rally earlier this month.

According to new post at AFL-CIO Now, McCain opposed provisions in 2005 that would have required the US government to purchase Harley-Davidson motorcycles.

McCain has called such provisions "disgraceful."

To quote the AFL-CIO post:
"As we’ve noted, McCain has supported the outsourcing of jobs. His campaign is staffed and funded by corporate lobbyists, including Rick Davis, the lobbyist whose DHL deal could result in thousands of lost jobs in Ohio, and Randy Altschuler, an outsourcing guru who advises companies on how to ship jobs overseas."

McCain favors "free trade" agreements that have cost Michigan tens of thousands of jobs, and opposes provisions that protect workers and the environment. He prefers to hand authority over the US economy to international financial institutions that make judgments about how our policies impact "free trade."

Michigan workers simply can't another four years of George W. Bush under John McCain.

Jerome Corsi's: Paranoid Conspiracy Buff

Jerome Corsi has written a factually-challenged book about Barack Obama, so here is some background info on him:


Corsi Wrote a Book Saying Bush's "Globalist Agenda" Is Leading to a North American Union. "The real reason behind President Bush's push for immigration reform, says author Jerome R. Corsi, is to unite the United States, Mexico and Canada by erasing borders and creating a "North American Union." That is the theme of Mr. Corsi's new book, "The Late Great USA: The Coming Merger with Mexico and Canada," which says the Bush administration's 'globalist agenda' is leading to a merger of the countries through the implementation of policies and laws to open trade barriers and renovate the highway systems in anticipation of increased travel within the new megastate. Mr. Corsi said a growing number of Americans think the North American Union is being forced onto Americans. Government officials say the idea is no more than an unjustified conspiracy theory spread through the Internet. Mr. Corsi said the impetus of the plan was the creation of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, announced by leaders of the United States, Mexico and Canada at Waco, Texas, in 2005." [Washington Times, 7/18/07]

Conservative Human Events Writer: Corsi Isn't "Any More Worthy Of Being Taken Seriously Than Those Who Think Jews Rule The World Or The 'Truthers' Who Think President Bush Is Responsible For 9/11." Under the headline "There Isn't Going to Be a North American Union," John Hawkins wrote, "Yesterday, Jerome Corsi was prattling on about the North American Union again after Michael Medved deservedly spanked him for spreading conspiracy theories. While I don't think Corsi is any more worthy of being taken seriously than those who think Jews rule the world or the 'Truthers' who think President Bush is responsible for 9/11, I thought I would respond to him one last time. (I think that's about the fourth time I've said that.) Now, why respond again? What's the point? Well unfortunately, a lot of conservatives consider this conspiracy theory to be so preposterous that they believe it's beneath them to even bother discussing it, and that leaves Corsi and his ilk to dominate the debate. And since there are a lot of conservatives being taken in by this North American Union nonsense, somebody has got to step up to the plate." [Human Events Online, 1/10/07]

Editor of Human Events: "I Guess There Are People Who Believe In" Corsi's North American Union Conspiracy, "But There Are People Who Believe In Bigfoot." "Corsi plays on growing nationalist fears. He sees a scenario in which a North American Union is born and shares a currency, the "amero." Even some right-wing standard-bearers regard the fears as over-blown. Jed Babbin, editor of the conservative newspaper Human Events, says: "I guess there are people who believe in [the plan for a North American Union]. But there are people who believe in Bigfoot." [Newsweek, 12/10/07]

Corsi Wrote a Book Disagreeing With Most Scientists That There is a Limit to Oil. "All his life, Jerome Corsi's been told that we're running out of oil. "I remember driving with my dad in a 1952 Plymouth and listening to him talk about the end of oil," says the 59-year-old New Jersey author. "Hasn't happened yet, and it's not going to happen." What makes him so sure? He doesn't buy the fossil fuel theory--that oil comes from dead plants and dinosaurs. He believes it comes out of the ground naturally, and that there's more coming up all the time...Eighteenth century Russian scientist Mikhail Lomonosov found biological debris in oil and concluded that it must have biological origin. "I'm at the point where the dinosaur theory seems silly," says Corsi. "You take a pile of cats and you bury them, dig them up 10 years later and you don't get oil." "The truth is that there is so much oil around the world that it's been easy to find," Corsi says. "We're awash in oil. There's more oil today in proven reserves than ever before in human history." [Western Standard (Alberta), 2/13/06]

Corsi Wrote a Book Claiming Democrats Were Being Corrupted by Iranian Funding and Helping Iranians Get Nukes. "After their bitter campaign 2004 experience with the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, John Kerry and his fellow Dems aren't waiting to be shot at again. Yesterday, aides to Sens. Kerry, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and Ted Kennedy jumped all over literary mugger Jerome Corsi, co-author of the Kerry-bashing best seller 'Unfit for Command.' They knocked him to the ground and kicked him in the face (metaphorically, anyway) over his next Democrattrashing tome, 'Atomic Iran: How the Terrorist Regime Bought the Bomb and American Politicians.' The book - which Nashville's Cumberland House Publishing won't release till next month - claims Democratic pols are being corrupted by Iranian money and helping the nuke-seeking mullahs in Tehran." [Daily News (New York), 2/24/05]

Corsi Wrote Unfit For Command Although He Was Not a Veteran. "Though not a veteran himself, Corsi co-authored "Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry." [Boston Herald, 1/25/05]

Learn more here.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Deployed Troops Give More to Obama

Obama 80%

McCain 20%

  • Troops abroad give to Obama at a 6:1 ratio
  • All military troops, abroad and at home still give more to Obama then McCain:
Troop Abroad- Obama $60,642 vs McCain $10,665
All Troops - Obama $335,536 vs McCain $280,513

The Truth about Jerome Corsi

Jerome Corsi is the conspiracy theorist and religious bigot who wrote a book in 2004 attacking John Kerry's exemplary and courageous military service. Ironically, Republican attack dog Corsi is not a veteran, but what they call a "chickenhawk." Now he has a new book smearing Barack Obama. So here are some facts about Corsi (check back for more later):

Corsi Was Dropped From Unfit for Command Promotions Because of His Anti-Muslim, Anti-Catholic Comments. The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette wrote in an editorial, "Consider the book "Unfit for Command," put out by a collection of partisans who have now made it acceptable for veterans to attack each other's war records. The current National Review carries a piece decrying the bookstores that fail to carry "John O'Neill's book." This is curious in that the volume has a second author, but Jerome Corsi has dropped from the marketing because he has been revealed as the author of religiously bigoted remarks published on a Web site. Corsi not only considers Muslims to be pederasts, but he took the trouble to slam Catholic priests and refers to the pope as senile. Rather than wonder whether a book written by such a man can be trusted, the marketing tactic has shifted to pretend Corsi doesn't exist." [Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (Pennsylvania), 9/19/04]

O'Neill Tried to Minimize Corsi's Role in Unfit for Command After Bigoted Comments Came to Light. "In a bit of historical revisionism, Swift Boat Veterans for Truth founder and Unfit for Command co-author John O'Neill distorted Jerome Corsi's role in co-authoring the book. O'Neill's backtracking comes on the heels of Media Matters for America's documentation of Corsi's history of posting bigoted comments. During appearances on MSNBC's Scarborough Country on August 10 and CNN's Wolf Blitzer Reports on August 11, O'Neill downplayed Corsi's role in writing the book. When asked about Corsi's involvement, O'Neill asserted, Corsi was "simply an editor and not really any sort of co-author." But an MMFA item entitled "Unfit book materials show Corsi more than just an 'editor,'" revealed Corsi to be much more than simply an editor of the anti- Kerry book. [Media Matters Press Release, 8/13/04]

"Anti-Kerry Book Author Apologizes for Slurs." "One of the authors of a new anti-John Kerry book frequently posted comments on a conservative Web site describing Muslims and Catholics as pedophiles and Pope John Paul II as senile. In chat room entry last year on extreme right-wing attack site, freerepublic.com, Corsi writes: 'Islam is a peaceful religion - just as long as the women are beaten, the boys buggered and the infidels are killed.' In another entry, he says: 'So this is what the last days of the Catholic Church are going to look like. Buggering boys undermines the moral base and the lawyers rip the gold off the Vatican altars. We may get one more Pope, when this senile one dies, but that's probably about it'." [AP, 8/10/04]

Learn the truth here.

Barack Obama. The Middle Class First.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

McCain's Favorite – Big Oil – made $5 million in profit every hour of every day

From ProgressMichigan.org:

$5 million in profit every hour of every day

The latest news reports that America's biggest oil company announced it is now
making $5 million in profit every hour of every day, the most profits of any American company ever in a single quarter. (AP 7/31/08)

With this report, the world's top five oil companies are now on track to make more than $160 billion in profits this year, dramatically outpacing last year's $123 billion.

Out-of-state Big Oil executives from Houston to Saudi Arabia and elsewhere are personally making millions on the backs of all of us.

Sign the petition to end government subsidies and special tax breaks for Big Oil and instead, invest in clean renewable energy and good paying jobs of the future.

John McCain lies about energy policy

Have you seen the McCain TV ad where he levels a smear against Barack Obama and then shifts to promising "energy independence" with wind generators spinning in the background?

Well guess what. It's misleading, or what some of us in mid-America call a lie.

John McCain opposed tax breaks to the wind power industry and alternative fuel additives like ethanol, even has he proposes billions in new tax breaks for Big Oil.

According to a post at TPM Election Central, "McCain recently opposed the big $300 billion farm bill, which itself is extremely popular throughout the upper midwest, describing the bill as 'a $300 billion, bloated, pork-barrel-laden bill' because of subsidies for industries like ethanol."

Michigan has developed several new initiatives to attract farmers to biofuel production. McCain's true record suggests that he wouldn't support such an initiative.

Even further, the post adds, "the bill also contained a measure extending a tax break for developing wind power, which McCain specifically opposed."

Oh, and guess what else, Obama supported the wind energy measure.

Wind power is a growing industry that already employs 50,000 people and creates electricity that does not rely on greenhouse emitting fossil fuels that cause global warming. With serious investment, we could see new job growth and a reliable source of clean energy. This is Obama's plan.

McCain's record is opposition to wind energy and more tax breaks for Big Oil.

Another post at CarpetBaggerReport, shows that another bi-partisan bill currently making its way through the Senate would provide some resources for clean energy alternatives like wind power, r&d for new alternatives, tax breaks for production of hybrid vehicles, and even some new offshore drilling. (Some might call this the Paris Hilton compromise.)

McCain opposes it. According to the post, McCain doesn't like this compromise measure solely because it removes tax breaks for Big Oil. (Recall that big McCain donor, ExxonMobil, raked in close to $12 billion in the last quarter alone in profits.)

So let's boil this down. McCain is on the record opposing wind power, but runs commercials talking about energy independence with wind generators in the background.

He opposes a compromise measure that brings together new oil drilling and more investments in alternatives because it won't give big fat tax breaks to Big Oil.

John McCain. Big Oil First.

Monday, August 11, 2008

John McCain lies about taxes

According to analysis of the McCain tax plan in comparison with the Obama tax plan by the Tax Policy Center, recent McCain commercials that insist Obama wants to raise "your" taxes are lies.

Unless the ads are targeted for the very tiny group of the richest Americans. But that doesn't seem likely does it?

According to the analysis, posted here, Obama's plan would cut taxes for everyone making $227,000 or less.

That is me and most every person and family in Grand Rapids. McCain probably has Dick DeVos's vote.

In fact, Obama's tax cuts for people who make less than $112,000 would be higher than those proposed by McCain.

The overwhelming majority of people in Grand Rapids – and the country for that matter – would see tax cuts under an Obama administration of around $600, for the lowest income tax payers to $2800 for people earning under $227,000. I think the Obama campaign pegs the average at about $1,000 per person.

I sure could use $1,000.

What is the difference between the two plans? Obama would raise taxes on the very wealthiest people. People with incomes between $227,000 and $603,000 would pay $12 more. That's three cheeseburgers. And the biggest increases would be imposed on the very richest, most successful people.

McCain, on the other hand, would give tax breaks to the very richest people equal to or greater than than the median income of working Americans. Up to $269,000 in tax breaks per individual. The average worker has to work about 5 years for the same amount.

The difference is in priorities. McCain would simply continue Bush's tax relief for the people who need it the least while starving the federal budget and cutting back on public services. All while waging a $10 billion per month war in Iraq for more oil and more profits for McCain's other constituency: Big Oil.

See the video here:

If you're going to vote based on the honesty and integrity of the candidate, you have to vote Obama.

If you're going to vote based on your pocketbook, you have to vote Obama.

John McCain: Washington's Biggest Celebrity

After nearly 3o years in Washington accomplishing nothing for working families and cozying up to big oil and lobbyists, John McCain has a lot of nerve criticizing Barack Obama.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Bush admin. to issue secret rules to gut health and safety standards

I wrote the following letter to Vern Ehlers to urge him to stand up to Bush on workplace safety, and will let you all know what he says in reply:

I am writing to urge you to stand up for working families and health and safety.

In a last minute action, political operatives at the US Department of Labor are rushing to lock in new requirements that would make it harder for the next administration to develop and issue protective workplace health rules. This new rule would change the procedures and criteria OSHA and MSHA use to assess worker health risks when developing new standards. It would add years of delay to the standard setting process and weaken protections for workers.

I would like to see you take stand to join other members of Congress in a bipartisan effort to block these regulations.

Please help protect the health and safety of working people.

You can write your own letter to him here...

Learn more...

Sign Petition to Create Jobs and Rebuild America

I just signed LIUNA's Petition to Build America, so America works. You can find out more and take action here...

America was the first to put a person on the moon, to build a super-highway system, to create unrivaled air and rail transportation, and first-class public spaces. But today, we can no longer be assured of crossing the Mississippi River safely, of protecting our families from failing dams or levees or of providing a transportation system that works.

I hope you will add your voice to the petition and urge Congress to make building America a national priority.

To sign the petition:

Video: John McCain caught agreeing with Obama again...

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Obama for America Opens in GR

Just got back from the opening of the Obama for America a few minutes ago. I got there a little late, so it was already packed with people, and I had to park three blocks away. Michigan State Democratic Party Chair Mark Brewer was there, firing up the crowd, as were a number of local candidates and elected officials.

It was wonderful. The building was packed to the rafters with an overflow crowd on sidewalk. Hundreds of people passed in and out. All the volunteers and staffers seemed surprised at the size of the crowd. There were people of all races, young and old, men and women, and they were all fired up to elect the man who represents real change from the Bush administration's policies and 30 years of right-wing domination.

Meanwhile, word has it a couple of cranky guys going about how great staying in Iraq forever would be gathered at the McCain headquarters and listened to muzak to celebrate McCain's latest flip-flop.

I purchased lawn signs and bumper stickers, and can't wait to volunteer.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Michigan Senator Calls for Great Lakes Water Compact

Calling the Great Lakes Water Compact the next step in fully protecting Michigan's great lakes ecosystems and clean water for the future, Sen. Carl Levin (D) introduced a resolution to pass the Great Lakes Water Resources Compact. The compact says, “the protection of the integrity of the Great Lakes Ecosystem shall be the overarching principle for reviewing proposals.”

The measure would use scientific principles to determine whether water can be diverted from the lakes, a shift from the Republican mind-set of doing anything to environment in order to let corporations make profits. The compact imposes "a scientific method for determining whether to allow a proposal to divert water from the Great Lakes, it makes our efforts to protect the lakes more clearly compliant with international trade agreements."

The measure also protects environmental standards from manipulation or challenge by countries or other international entities that might seek to weaken environmental protections here as part of a hindrance to "free trade."

I think the measure hints a serious and meaningful alternatives to the do-anything, free trade mentality that ruled while Republicans controlled our government. Now we are seeing the beginning of responsible protections that have a better shot at preserving water, animal and plant species, and other environmental ecosystems that we as humans need in order to survive.

Free trade, profits, and the market should not be prioritized over human needs or its survival.

Read Levin's full statement here...

State Prepares to Increase Funding for Education

Are state Republicans seeing the writing on the wall? Change is coming to the US in this fall's elections, and it will come to Michigan, too.

The Grand Rapids Press reported today that under a new bill that appears headed for Gov. Jennifer Granholm's (D) signature, "[a]rea school districts would see between $79 and $112 more per student for the upcoming school year."

After several years of Republicans trying to balance the budget on the backs of our children and our schools, this is welcome relief.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Video: AFL-CIO's Richard Trumka on Race and the 2008 Elections

See it originally here

Sign the Employee Free Choice Act Petition

Can you imagine a CEO agreeing to work without a contract that guarantees pay and benefits? It would never happen. But when companies prevent workers from forming unions, that’s exactly what they’re making employees do: work without any assurance of pay and benefits.

If we collect enough signatures and elect friends of working families, next year we can enact the Employee Free Choice Act, which would:
  • Establish stronger penalties for violations of employee rights when workers seek to form a union and during first-contract negotiations.
  • Guarantee that workers who choose union representation will have a contract.
  • Remove barriers that deny workers the opportunity to form unions and bargain for better wages, health care and pensions.
Please help us collect 500,000 signatures supporting the Employee Free Choice Act by Labor day. Sign the petition now.

McCain's Michigan Headquarters Provided by Predatory Lender

This just came in from ProgressMichigan.org:

It might actually be funny if it wasn't so serious. Look at what we discovered: McCain's New "Great Lakes Regional Headquarters" is provided by a predatory firm that profits from throwing people out of their homes!

McCain's new "Great Lakes Regional Headquarters" in Farmington Hills is owned by Trott and Trott P.C., one of the nation's largest law firms that represents financial institutions and lenders against people facing foreclosures. David Trott, the firm's Managing Attorney is a major contributor to McCain.

Thanks to predatory lending practices, Michigan is facing one of the highest foreclosure rates in the nation - hurting not only the families involved but entire neighborhoods through depressed property values.

Today we are calling on McCain to do the right thing - move his massive regional headquarters and cut ties with predatory firms that profit from Michigan's housing crisis. Our public officials should be on our side, not those who profit from unfair lending practices.

Do you think McCain should move his Headquarters? Take the online poll at: http://progressmichigan.org/mccain

John McCain Wants to "Muddle" Afghanistan

Today, I sent the following letter to the Grand Rapids Press:

A shocking new video shows that in 2003, in front of the Council on Foreign Relations, Senator John McCain said he was more concerned with the war in Iraq, and that we could "muddle through in Afghanistan" without a large number of forces.
Senator McCain showed poor judgment and forethought, which is disturbing given that he says this area is his strong suit.
While Iraq had nothing to do with the September 11th attacks, Al Qaeda, which had organized and carried out the 9/11 terrorist attacks, remained free to operate in Afghanistan. John McCain helped the US quickly squander the sympathy and support the world had for the US by supporting a war in Iraq that was unnecessary and disastrous.
We cannot "muddle through" in Afghanistan. We have done that for the past five years, and all that has happened is that the Taliban has recaptured a large chunk of that country, Al Qaeda is back at pre-9/11 strength, and Osama bin Laden is free and plotting against America.
McCain's strategy for launching a war in Iraq and staying there indefinitely, unlike Senator Obama’s, is a policy of retreat in the war on terror. It has made us less secure, and allowed extremists in Afghanistan and Pakistan to regain their strength. John McCain in 2003 was horribly wrong – there was no "muddling through" in Afghanistan.

It was part of an e-mail campaign by VoteVets.org to get the word out about a video showing John McCain talking in 2003 about how he didn't think Afghanistan was as important as Iraq. After 5 years, no WMD found, and no terrorist links to Al Qaeda unearthed, McCain needs to explain why he thinks Iraq is so important and why we should be spending $10 billion per month to occupy that country – with no end in sight.

View the video here and get involved.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Why Women Voters Don't Like McCain

McCain on Women's Issues--
  • voted against FAIR PAY
  • voted against health insurance covering birth control
  • voted to terminate the federal family-planning program that provides breast-cancer screenings
  • voted against SCHIP--Children's Health Insurance
  • a fierce foe of womens' right to choose
  • 4 SUPREME COURT JUSTICES may be replaced in the next 5 to 8 years
  • his new campaign blogger showed his genuine affection for Mrs. Clinton earlier this year by portraying her as a liar and whiner
Also see: John McCain: Out of Touch on Women's Health

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Michigan Senator Investigates Offshore Tax Havens

According to Sen. Carl Levin's office, the United States Treasury loses an estimated $100 billion in tax revenues every year when wealthy individuals hide assets in offshore accounts.

Levin conducted hearings this week on these abuses and pointed out the unfairness involved when the rich are allowed to abuse the system and avoid paying their fair share.

Levin stated, "Tax evasion eats at the fabric of society, not only by starving health care, education, and other needed government services of resources, but also by undermining trust – making honest folks feel like they are being taken advantage of when they pay their fair share."

You can get full details on the hearings and the issues here.

Michigan Peace Works' New Web Site

Michigan Peaceworks is proud to announce that our new website has been launched! Please visit us at www.michiganpeaceworks.org to see the new setup and register as a member on the site.

Mayors' Resolution on Iran

Today, I sent Mayor George Heartwell an e-mail urging him to read and consider signing a new resolution being circulated by Cities for Peace/Progress.

The resolution has so far been signed by 50 mayors and basically resolves to "urge the Bush Administration to pursue diplomatic engagement with Iran on nuclear issues and ending the violence in Iraq, and ... urge Congress to prohibit the use of funds to carry out any military action against Iran without explicit Congressional authorization."

Send Mayor Heartwell a note here: mayor@grcity.us

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

John McCain Is Wrong for Michigan

From Michigan Dems:

Yesterday, John McCain again spent his day promoting the unfair trade policies that have devastated Michigan's economy. At a speech in California, McCain called himself "an unapologetic supporter of NAFTA." The Associated Press article about the speech explains that he also touted his recent visits to Mexico and Colombia where he spent the first days of July pushing for more NAFTA-like trade agreements.

In response to those visits, Democrats in Michigan, led by Lt. Governor John Cherry, Congressman Dale Kildee, and State Representatives Michael Sak and Mary Valentine, held protests to ask McCain why the Mexican and Colombian economies are more important to him than bringing jobs to Michigan.

To view videos of those events visit:
John McCain will make yet another appearance in Michigan this week to discuss his so-called economic "plan". From his visits, it has become clear that he is out of touch with the current status of Michigan's economy. Click here to read more McCain's record of supporting Bush's failed policies.

Grand Rapids Protest of John McCain

Monday, July 14, 2008

Obama Gains Steam in Michigan

3BlueDudes just posted this:

A new survey released moments ago by Rasmussen Reports shows that Democrat Barack Obama has expanded his lead in the critical battleground state of Michigan to 8% points.

Barack Obama: 47%

John McCain: 39%

The last Rasmussen Reports survey, nearly a month ago, showed Obama with his first lead in Michigan by a margin of 3%, 45% to 42%.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Friday, July 11, 2008

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Veterans Reject John McCain's Senate Record

From AFL-CIO Now

Bush-McCain Medicare Policies Would Hammer Michigan

The Democratic led Senate this past week voted to block huge cuts in Medicare payments to doctors proposed by Bush and McCain. According to the American Medical Association, Michigan would have otherwise been hit hard:

Payments Lost by Dec. 2009: $540 million
Average Physician's Loss: $21,000
People Affected: 92,826 employees,
1,429,304 Medicare patients
96,506 TRICARE patients

Suggests that Bush-McCain policies would have seriously harmed Michigan residents. In addition, McCain's tax and budget priorities would slash Medicare and Social Security benefits for millions of seniors, disabled, and dependent Americans.